Weight Loss
How have I put on this much weight? These pants fit me just fine a month ago. Now I can’t even zip them up.
My stomach keeps getting bigger. You would think I was pregnant!
I feel like an older person. Each day it seems I have another ache, pain, or it’s getting harder for me to do simple things. My back hurts, my knees hurt, and I’m tired all the time. I have to sit down to tie my shoes, and getting up off the toilet has become a challenge.
Can they smell me?
I’m self-conscious wondering if people can smell the stench of cigarette smoke that has absorbed into my clothes and skin.
Can they smell it on my breath?
I have to always keep mints on me to cover up the cigarette smell on my breath.
Skin Problems
It’s embarrassing!
The insecurities take over every time my skin is showing.
What are they thinking?
What’s wrong with their skin? They need to cover that up. Is it contagious?
The thoughts of others fill my head and haunt me when I show my skin to have a sense of normal in my life.
Relationship Problems
I never get to voice my opinion.
You always dominate the conversation, never giving me a chance to talk and then get mad when I don’t say anything.
What am I? A mind reader?
I ask you a question, and you either give me a vague round about answer or you don’t say anything at all.