
Feeling defeated?

You’ve been working as an administrative assistant at the same company for nearly a decade. While you’re good at your job, you want a career that challenges you, pays more and has room for growth. Yet anytime a better position becomes available, the moment you think about applying, you manage to talk yourself out of it.

“I’ll never be able to do this!”

“Honestly, I don’t know why I even think about applying for another job. What if I get rejected? I probably don’t have enough experience. Or worse, what if I get the job and fail?”

Negative Thoughts Have Become Your Reality.

Negative thinking can deeply impact your reality by altering your perception, behavior, and mental well-being. When trapped in a cycle of negativity, you tend to focus on problems instead of solutions, which can lead to behaviors like procrastination and avoidance. These behaviors, in turn, reinforce your negative thoughts, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy where your fears and doubts seem to manifest in real life. By unconsciously acting in ways that align with your negative beliefs, you inadvertently make those negative thoughts a reality, affecting your overall outlook and quality of life.

Why Do We Self-Sabotage?

Self-sabotage often stems from deep-seated fears and limiting beliefs. These fears and limited beliefs cause us to unconsciously interfere with our own goals and undermine our success. For some, remaining within familiar boundaries, even if they are uncomfortable, feels safer than confronting the uncertainty of success or change. These behaviors can also be linked to past experiences where taking risks resulted in disappointment or failure.

Common Signs of Self-Sabotage:

Procrastination: Delaying tasks or avoiding responsibilities can be a way to escape fear of failure or judgement.

Perfectionism: Setting impossibly high standards that prevent progress and lead to self-criticism.

Negative Self-Talk: Constantly doubting oneself and focusing on perceived inadequacies.

Avoidance: Steering clear of situations or opportunities that could lead to growth or change.

Break Free from Excuses and the Blame Game

No more:

“I’ll do it tomorrow”

“I can’t afford it”

“I’m waiting for the right time”

“They didn’t support me”

“I don’t have enough time”

These are just a few of the excuses that can hold us back. At some point, many of us sabotage our own progress and success. It’s time to take ownership. With hypnosis, we can work together to uncover the negative beliefs that drive these habits and no longer serve you.

How Hypnosis Can Help:

Identify and Reframe Beliefs: Discover the root of your negative beliefs and reframe them into positive thoughts that support your growth.

Enhance Self-Awareness: understand the connection between your thoughts, feelings and behaviors, and learn how they influence your actions.

Boost Self-Confidence: Develop the self-esteem needed to believe in your abilities and pursue your goals with conviction.

Develop Healthy Coping Strategies: Learn to manage stress, anxiety, and other emotions that contribute to self-sabotage with effective coping strategies.

Increase Motivation and Focus: Stay committed to your goals by increasing your motivation and focus, helping you resist procrastination and avoidance. By breaking free from limiting patterns and embracing change, you can unlock your potential and achieve the success you deserve. Hypnosis can be a powerful tool on this journey, guiding you toward a more empowered and fulfilling life.