Stop Feeling Like a Prisoner
of Your Own Mind

Unlock your brighter future

Discover the secrets that will help you spread your wings and soar

Virtual Hypnosis Nationwide

This is going to be the year that I change.

Other people’s success stories of the changes they have made in their lives inspire you.

You follow them on social media and join various social media groups.

The journey begins as you think, ‘If I can just make it through the first 30 days, I will be great.’

Day 30 rolls around.

Disappointment is huge as you’re back doing the same thing that you wanted to change.

Why were you unsuccessful?

You become frustrated and miserable because what worked for someone else didn’t work for you.

How come I keep failing at everything I try to do to change my life for the better?

There is something you don’t recognize.

You’ve been developing a life script from the time you were born. Each day, about 80% of your mind is running on autopilot from your life script.

Every time you start a process to change, it’s like déjà vu over and over.

You go back to what you know – even if you don’t like it.

I know that by tapping into your subconscious mind, we can help you break these cycles and become the person you aspire to be, creating your own success story by rewriting your life script.

I will never amount to anything.

Once again, I feel like such a failure. Every time I turn around something bad is happening to me. If it wasn’t for bad luck, I wouldn’t have any luck at all.

I give up!

My parents have always seen me as a disappointment, forever criticizing everything I do. According to them, I can’t do anything right.

I’m tired of hiding.

What will happen if I expose my rashes?

How will people react?

You have no idea what my skin feels like.

Don’t tell me to stop scratching!

You’re not the one breaking out in hives.

Same crap, different partner.

I’m with a new partner, but I’m going through the same patterns. Again.

Why does this keep happening?

I don’t feel loved and appreciated – and it sucks.

Get AWAY from me!

Why are you constantly in my space?

You’re suffocating me. I need room to breathe.

Can you please do something, anything, without me?

I’ve tried to lose weight zillions of times!

I feel like such a failure.

I know exactly what I’m supposed to do – I just can’t get myself to do it.

I hate having to buy bigger clothes!

The cute clothes are always for those skinny chicks.

I’m not going to wear something that highlights all my fat – I’ll look ridiculous, and everyone will stare at me.

The struggles of life knock us down.

We stop believing in ourselves.

Fear kicks in. We try to run away from our problems like track stars.

The more frustrated and irritated we become, the worse it gets.

The days pass and nothing changes.

You keep running into the very things you’re trying to get away from because that’s what you know.

If you knew how to change whatever isn’t working, of course you’d change. But you have no idea what to do. You’ve tried everything you can think of and nothing helped.

Now is the time to try something different.

You don’t have to keep running into the arms of what’s making you unhappy, unhealthy, causing more
pain and broken relationships.

Don’t let another day pass and nothing changes.

Instead, it’s time to…

Embrace the thinner and new you.

Let go of what’s been holding you back.

Take charge and live the life you want.

Clear your skin and be seen.

Understand yourself so you can build and grow deep and
fulfilling relationships.

Hi, I’m Stephanie.

When negative stuff happens to us in life, we can easily lose hope. We can easily become stuck. It can feel like an impossibly heavy burden is weighing us down.

No matter how hard we try, we can’t figure it out. So, we think something is wrong with us. We feel like we’re living in our own personal jail cell.

I understand you. There was a time I was stuck and afraid to move forward. I didn’t know what to do. I thought I’d tried everything. And nothing worked.

Then, I tried something totally different. I discovered an approach to transformation that changed my life.

Each day, I help my clients get healthy and fit mentally. I guide my clients from feeling incapacitated to living a life of unlimited possibilities.

If you’re ready to free yourself from what’s holding you back, I’ve got the key.

Reach out today and let’s schedule a free consultation so we can discuss what’s holding you back and how I can help you.

Your new journey of better can be done in individual or group sessions, all from the comfort of your own home.

The time is now to stop feeling like a failure. You have
struggled with life’s challenges long enough.

You can let another day of the same old mess pass, or you can take
a stand and transform your mind and move into better.